Young Adults

DaySpring Young Adults (Ages 18 - 30)

Dayspring young adults exists to connect our 18-30’s both with each other and with God. We are passionate about seeing our generation impacted and changed by the power of Jesus Christ. We connect with each other at church on Sundays, including a dinner after our 6pm service and through our DSYA home groups. We also have our FUEL meetings with powerful worship, prayer and teaching. 

The first Tuesday of every month the DSYA community gather together to encounter God through a time of worship, prayer and the word. It's a place to experience the power & presence of God, hear a life giving message from the Word of God and connect with real & relevant people. We believe in genuine encounters with God and authentic relationship with Jesus Christ.

When: First Tuesday of every month
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Where: DaySpring Church (in the Theatre).


DSYA now runs four connect groups, meeting fortnightly on a Tuesday and Wednesday nights at different venues with most of the groups meeting between 7.30pm - 9.30pm. Feel free to come along to one of these great groups. These groups are:

Jordan Skinner & Clare Bradford - Parramatta
Harey Stacey, Ryde
Chloe and Ryan Somerfield - Blacktown
Tim Clipsham and Kathryn Chalker - Alexandria


DSYA Empowering a generation to reach a generation!

For more information email Michael Maher at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Join us on our facebook page: